Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeons is proud that we are in the top 1% acounts for Thermage FLX.
Out of the hundreds and thousands of active Solta Thermage accounts, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeons is proud that we are in the top 1% acounts for Thermage FLX.
Why is this distinction so important for consumers to know about?
It’s simple! If you receive services from a practice that is in the top 1%, you can be 100% certain that the products you are receiving are safe, authentic, fresh, and potent. Practices earn this distinction based on the sheer amount of products that are ordered from Solta Medical. Thus, if you have a practice that is in the top 1%, it’s because they are a very busy practice that goes through a lot of products and orders alot from Solta.
The distinction gives the highest praise to Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeons and our providers, further cementing our reputation of being one of the centers for excellence for aesthetic medicine.
Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeons places a major priority on our relationship with our patients and their satisfaction and happiness with our services. We would like to thank everyone who made this achievement possible, and look forward to seeing what next year will bring. Contact us by 9497239120 for your next BHPS treatment in our multi location clinic.